Positive Culture

bespoke training, resources, and coaching.

Understanding difference
makes all the difference


Exploring your journey
with Neurodivergence?

We provide services to individuals and groups
in 3 different ways,
ensuring that everyone gets to rock their Complex Strengths
in The Neurodiverse Universe!


We work with organisations that recognise the strong benefits of cognitively diverse teams, and also realise that box-ticking neurodiversity training won’t deliver those benefits.

From one-off webinars, to evaluating processes, and supporting culture change.
In education, up to KS3 we provide resources and activity days that make understanding our brains, behaviour, and learning easy, fun, and empowering.

From KS4 we offer bespoke workshops for staff and students.

Increase access to all human intelligence.

Be guided by leading edge neurodivergent thinking, and current research.

Our revelatory neurodiversity training tackles discrimination, increases understanding, and removes worry and stigma from conversations.

Workshops and Training

  • There were so many a-ha moments. 
    It is a subject i have looked at in depth but there were still so much i hadn't come across."

       R.B. Business mentor and parent

  • The whole content was absolutely incredible. The training provided a holistic understanding of neurodiversity, and I am confident about implementing the knowledge gained today."

                       Workshop Attendee

  • "Julia delivered a powerful, engaging & fully absorbing workshop. It was 3 hours and not long enough! I could have listened for days and am eager to learn more. The afternoon gave me a real insight"

      Staff member, Reflections Small School

  • "Learning more about a topic that has a lot of stigma, in a way that made me reflect about my own experiences, has been really powerful + impactful for both developing how we work - and how I work."

                  Manager at

A small leadership team are gathered arounf a table working on an exercise with post it notes. One woman and Julia are standing and talking and smiling. the team is small but diverse.

Clients already creating
Neurodivergence Positive Culture
with our support

Coaching, consultation, and mentoring.

Sometimes the neurodivergence journey being explored is more personal. Even at work. 

Relationships, communication, new diagnoses, burn out, progression.

For peer, and individual processing, we offer a range of solo and group sessions through

Co-illuminated Coaching.

'We-Q', not IQ,
for the win!